Enhanced in-depth filtration facilitated by particulate filter and clarity cartridge, also protecting the RO membrane, EMLE (electronic membrane life enhancer) for preventing scaling of dissolved salts like calcium and magnesium in the membrane – these are membrane enhancing features of this Aquaguard RO system called the Total Enhance. Not only is the flow of H2O from the faucet improved but what flows is crystal clear and 100 percent pure. Enhanced taste of the purified H2O is ensured by the special carbon cartridge; during the purification process, it removes residual organic impurities and revives the original taste of the H2O. This advanced Aquaguard RO eliminates all micro organisms and new age tough contaminants. No wonder what the company indented it as ‘paani ka doctor’ is proved true.
All Eureka Forbes water purifiers are truly ‘paani ka doctors’. Installing them in your kitchens is the gateway to a healthy life. It is not only the Aquaguard RO that this company deals in. You will come across a complete range of Eureka Forbes water purifiers under two different brands, each having different categories and models. While one is available via direct sales, i.e. at the consumers’ doorsteps, the other brand is available at modern organized retail outlets.