Monday, March 21, 2011

Aquaguard Total Atom features

Want to know which Eureka Forbes water filter you should buy? Just dial the Euro Helpline 3988 3333, which is accessible round the clock. Accordingly, you can request for a home demonstration of your desired system. Alternatively you may send SMS "AG" or "EC" to 566775 for home demo of the desired Eureka Forbes water filter. In the segment of RO purifiers, all existing models are often spoken volume in reviews on web. One is the Aquaguard Total Atom. To know about the description, view image, learn about the technical specifications, price, and features, you may log in to the company’s corporate site.

Here are few of the features of this Eureka Forbes RO water purifier that do find mention in reviews:
• Tamper-proof reject water valve for continuous and steady reject water flow. Cleaning of the membrane surface thus happens automatically. Besides, you can do away with the wastage of water – a disadvantage in RO systems. The water can be collected and reused, helping you save precious water
• Enhanced booster pump enabling the Eureka Forbes RO water purifier drive the water through the membrane with high pressure
• Silver Surety technology is another distinctive feature of this Eureka Forbes water filter? Purification efficiency is ensured with the silver impregnation besides inhibiting growth of micro organisms that cause diseases.

More features of the aforesaid Eureka Forbes RO water purifier are appreciated. Get your tap water tested to know if you need an RO system.

1 comment:

  1. You are sharing fabulous information in your blog regarding to RO Water Purifier, keep it update regularly.Thanks a lot.... RO Plant Manufacturer in India
